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Celebrating a New Beginning!

Updated: Sep 13, 2023

Welcome to Hope Talk

Olive branch logo for Hope Alzheimer's & Dementia Care

Hello and welcome to my very first blog, Hope Talk! I am so blessed to have this opportunity to share my journey with you and opening my new Social Adult Day Program for Alzheimer's and dementia clients. My goal for this page is to inform, educate, inspire and uplift our amazing Caregivers who sacrifice so much of their time for their loved ones. I will do my best to share my knowledge and experience with you while hopefully helping you find joy and embracing where you are at through your own journey.

Today I honor our Caregivers, families and guardians who give so much to bring a better life to their loved ones who are experiencing Alzheimer's disease and many other forms of dementia. You are not alone! There are resources and help to bring peace and understanding during this challenging time. I will be sharing healthy recipes, activities, local events, volunteering opportunties, experiences and educational articles.

I look forward to hearing from my readers! Please do not hesitate to share anything and everything that you feel might bless our Caregivers, and I will be sure to include your suggestions in my next blog. In the meantime, here I go... racing towards the finish line to Hope! I will do my best to bring every meaning of the word to you and your family!


Jessica B.

Grandmother and granddaughter smiling


November 1925 ~ March 2023

This is my beautiful Grandmother, Elaine, who recently passed away. She had Alzheimer's disease and vascular dementia. While she was challenged in many ways, she managed to keep all the best parts of her still in tact... her heart, her warm smile, and a kiss for anyone who needed it with open arms. She was and still is my heart. I am forever grateful for all she taught me and the most important of all was how to love.

"I'd like the memory of me to be a happy one. I'd like to leave an afterglow of smiles when day is done.

I'd like to leave an echo whispering softly down the ways, of happy times and laughing times and bright and sunny days. I'd like the tears of those who grieve to dry before the sun, of happy memories I leave behind - when day is done."

"Afterglow" by Helen Marshall

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